Stay Strong Webinar Series

RDG+Partners to Host Weekly Webinars to Help Businesses Impacted by COVID-19

To help local businesses navigate the various COVID-19-related stimulus and relief benefits available to them, RDG+Partners, a Pittsford-based accounting firm, will host a weekly “COVID-19: Stay Strong Webinar Series” starting Thursday, April 16, and running through the end of May.

Each webinar will focus on elements of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Topics are subject to change based on updated information as it becomes available, but will include:

· Clarification on Payroll Protection Program Loan forgiveness

· Updates on the Economic Injury Disaster Relief Loan Program

· Processes for Small Business Administration debt relief options

· Major tax law changes under the CARES Act

“Every business owner impacted by COVID-19 is scrambling to figure out their next moves for their survival,” said John Rizzo, CPA, Managing Partner, RDG+Partners. “Perhaps the greatest challenge is that new information about financial disaster relief initiatives is released everyday, and unless business owners are on top of it, they could miss updates that are critical to their success in securing funding. Through the webinar series, our advisors will keep everyone as up to date as possible on all of the moving pieces.”

The “Stay Strong” webinars are free and will take place every Thursday at 1:30 p.m.ET, and are expected to last approximately 30 to 45 minutes each. To register, visit, an online resource center established by the firm to provide the latest information for businesses impacted by COVID-19. In addition to the webinars, the resources are updated regularly.

Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001—and amid the resulting financial downturn—Rizzo helped business owners obtain more than $50 million in assistance through stimulus programs similar to those being offered to mitigate the economic impact of COVID-19.

About RDG+Partners

RDG+Partners offers tax, business planning, accounting, auditing, and wealth management services, and specializes in areas such as real estate, construction, professional services, and consulting. Its partners are John Rizzo, Brian DiGiacco, Christopher Gamble, Timothy Hern, and Whitney Baniewicz. For more information, please visit